Voici pour les ROTI, plus de 160 abréviations utilisées dans le Rotary. Elles sont, bien sûr, à connaître par cœur…
ROTI= Rotarians On The Internet

3H Health, Hunger and Humanity (Santé, Faim et Humanité)
AAM Additional Actif Member
AC Aide Rotary International Director and Convenor
ADG Adjoint du Gouverneur
AG Assistant Gouverneur
AGCD Administration Générale de la Coopération au Développement
AIPM Actions d’intérêt public mondial
AM Membre Actif
ANAH Association Nationale d’Aide aux Personnes Handicapées
ARCBCD Association des Rotary Clubs belges pour la coopération au développement
BRESA Belux Rotary Exchange Students Activities
CATS Challenging All To Succeed
CEEMA Continental Europe, East Mediterranean, Africa
CICO Club Internet Communication Officer
CIP Comité Inter Pays
CLP Club Leadership Plan
CNPP Comité national PolioPlus
COL Council on Legislation
CP Club President
D District
DDG District Deputy Governor
DG District Governor
DGE District Governor Elect
DGGR District Governor’s Group Representative
DGN District Governor Nominee
DGR District Governor’s Representative
DICO District Internet Communication Officer
DIK Donations in Kind
DLP District Leadership Plan
DMC District Membership chairs
DMDC District Membership Development Chairs
DNI Dagen van Nationale Inenting
DPFC District Permanent Fund Chairperson
DPRC District Public Relations Chair
DRFC District Rotary Foundation Committee
DSG District Simplified Grants
DTTS District Team Training Session
EEMA CEEMA + Great Britain & Ireland
EGE Échange de Groupes d’Étude
EJ Échanges de Jeunes
FAIM Fourth Avenue in Motion
FM Fonds mondial
FR Fondation Rotary
FSD Fonds Spécifique de District
GBI Great Britain & Ireland
GETS Governor Elect Training Seminar
GMI Groupe Multidistrict d’Information
GSE Group Study Exchange
GYE Global Youth Exchange
HANDS Humanitarian Aid Network and Distribution System
HEP Holiday Exchange Program
HRA Humanitarian Reporting Award
HSF Hôpital Sans Frontière
IA International Assembly
IAS International Ambassadorial Scholarship
ICC InterCountry Committees
ICUFR International Computer Users Fellowship of Rotarians
ICO Internet Communications Officers
IFCR International Fellowship of Criketing Rotarians
IFFR International Fellowship of Flying Rotarians
IFR International Fellowship of Rotarians
IFSR International Fellowship of Skiing Rotarians
IG Individual Grants
IGE Intercambio de Groupo de Estudos (Group Study Exchange)
ILC Inter Landen Comité
IPAC International Projects Advisory Committee
IPP Immediate Past President
IPP International Past President
JLV Journée Locale de Vaccination
JNV Journée Nationale de Vaccination
LCS Low Cost Shelters
MD Matched District
MG Matching Grants
MOP Manual Of Procedure
MUNA Model United Nations Assembly
NCPP Nationaal Comité PolioPlus
NGO Niet Gouvernementele Organisatie
NVSG Nationale Vereniging tot Steun aan Gehandicapte personen
OD Official Directory of Rotary International
OMS Organisation Mondiale de la Santé
ONG Organisation Non Gouvernementale
P President
PADG Past Assistant District Governor
PCP Past Club President
PDG Past District Governor
PE President Elect
PETS Presidents-Elect Training Seminar
PEV Programme Elargi de Vaccination
PHF Paul Harris Fellow
PLC Plan Leadership de Club
PLD Plan Leadership District


Programme modial de la Fondation Rotary pour éradiquer la polio-myelitis
PN President Nominee
PP Past President
PPE Preserve Planete Earth
PR Public Relations
PRID Past Rotary International Director
PRIDT Past Rotary International Director Treasurer
PRIP Past Rotary International President
PRIVP Past Rotary International Vice President
PROBUS Professional and Business Club (Retired)
PSA Public Service Announcement
PSM Past Service Member
RAGPD Rotarian Action Group for Population & Development
RAWUP Rotary Award for World Understanding and Peace
R Rotarian
Rc Rotary Club
RC Rotary Contact
RD Rotary District
RCC Rotary Community Corps
RCP Rotary Code of Policies
RF Rotary Foundation
RFAC Rotary Foundation Alumni Coordinators
RFDD Rotary Foundation District Delegate
RFE Rotary Friendship Exchange
RFSM Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member
RFUK Rotary Foundation United Kingdom
RI Rotary International
RIB Rotary International Bylaws
RIBI Rotary International in Great Britain & Ireland
RIC Rotary International Constitution
RID Rotary International Director
RID Rotary International District
RIDN Réseau d’Information des Dons en Nature
RIFR Règlement intérieur de la Fondation Rotary
RIMC Rotary International membership coordinators
RIMZC Rotary International membership zone coordinators
RIP Rotary International President
RIPPR Rotary International President’s Personal Representative
RIPS Rotary International Population Summit
RIRI Règlement Intérieur du Rotary International
RITS Rotary International Travel Service
ROTEX Organisation of Ex-Rotary Exchange Students
ROTI Rotarians On The Internet
RRFC Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator
Rtn Rotarian
RV Rotary Volunteers
RVC Rotary Village Corps
RVM The Rotarian Video Magazine
RYE Rotary Youth Exchange
RYLA Rotary Youth Leadership Award
RYPEN Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment
RYSAP Rotary Youth Self Achievement Program
SAM Senior Active Member
SAR Semi Annual Report
SAR System Allocation Report
SETS Secretary-Elect Training Seminar
SFGE Séminaire de Formation des Gouverneurs Elus
SFPE Séminaire de Formation des Présidents Elus
SRCC Standard Rotary Club Constitution
SRI Statuts du Rotary International
STEP Short Term Exchange Program
STRC Statuts Types du Rotary Club
TRF The Rotary Foundation
TRFB The Rotary Foundation Bylaws
TRFC The Rotary Foundation Code of Policies
UDC Unités de développement communautaire
UIP Uitgebreid Inentings Programma
UN United Nations
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNFPA United Nations Population Fund
VSG Volunteer Service Grants
WCS World Community Service
WF World Fund
WGO Wereld Gezondheids Organisatie
YEP Youth Exchange Program
YIR Yours in Rotary
YVG Young Vocational Group